Sleeper Agent: Ghost Protocol is a memory-testing arcade-puzzle game created in less than 48 hours for #DISCORDJAM. The theme was 'limited view'.

How many sleeping kids can you spook without getting sucked up by a vacuum cleaner (a ghost's only natural predator)?


Arrow Keys - Move and select menu items

Space Bar - Use night-vision goggles and confirm selection


Ben Codrington - Design, code, and art, done in that order.

Written with the Phaser game framework.


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(1 edit) (+1)

Really fun! The addition of music would make the up the mood of the game by a lot! Even a simple scream for the kids would be nice!
The gameplay was intriguing for a while, but the addition of a new element after a certain amount of kids would add a lot of depth to the game.
It's a nice prototype!